曼島文翻譯1. This paper concludes with a discussion of future research considerations in section 5.
2. Section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation.
3. Section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research.
4. Section 7 provides a summary and a discussion of the study’s findings...
5. Finally, conclusions and future work are summarized
6. The basic questions posed above are then discussed and conclusions are made based on the findings of the study.
1. A basic problem in the design of xx is presented by the choice of a xx rate for the measurement of experimental variables.
2. This paper examines a new measure of xx in xx based on fuzzy mathematics which overcomes the difficulties found in other xx measures.
3. This paper describes a system for the analysis of the xx.
4. The method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations.
5. The procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision.
6. The technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile xx algorithm.
7. The usefulness of xx is also considered.
8. A brief methodology used in xx is discussed.
9. The analysis is useful in xx and xx problem.
10. A model is developed for a xx analysis using fuzzy matrices.
11. Algorithms to combine these estimates and produce a xx are presented and justified.
13. Results of an experimental application of this xx analysis procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique.
14. This paper analyses problems in relation to...
15. This paper outlines the functions carried out by …
16. This paper includes an illustration of the …
17. This paper provides an overview and information useful for approaching
18. Emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by which the xx in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated.
19. The main emphasis is placed on the problem of xx
21. The experimental results reveal interesting examples of fuzzy phases of xx and xx
22. The compatibility of a project in terms of cost翻譯社 and xx are likewise represented by linguistic variables.
23. A didactic example is included to illustrate the computational procedure
1. This review is followed by an introduction of...
2. A brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in Section 2 below...
3. In the next section, a brief review of the …. is given.
4. In the next section, a short review of … is given with special regard to …
5. Section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx.
1. This will be followed by a description of the the problem and a detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined.
2. Details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections.
2. The next section describes the mathematics that goes into the computer implementation of such fuzzy logic statements.
4. The three components will be described in the next two sections. An example of xx analysis of a computer information system will then be presented.
5. We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II accordingly...
6. The next section summarizes the method that is useful for arguments based on xx
3. Section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx
4. Section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, natural language understanding.
6. Section 3 discusses the aspects of fuzzy set theory that are used in the …
8. Section 3 describes a new measure of xx.
9. Section 3 demonstrates the use of fuzzy possibility theory in the analysis of xx.
11. Section 3 is developed according to the modeling and processing of fuzzy decision rules
12. The main idea of the FLC is described in Section 3 while Section 4 describes the xx strategies.
14. Section 4 discusses a previously developed fuzzy based approach to cost variance investigation.
15. Section 4 gives a specific example of xxx.
17. Section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of Section 2 and 3.
19. Section 5 presents the primary results of the paper which is a fuzzy set model ...
20. Section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further work.
22. The rationale for their choice are discussed very briefly in Section 2.
23. In Section 2 presents the block diagram expression of a whole model of human DM system
24. In Section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a … scheme must satisfy.
26. In Section 3翻譯社 we describe the preliminary results of an empirical study currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to construct membership functions.
28. This section provides basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results.
1This paper focuses on the need for...
2. This paper proceeds as follows...
3. The structure of the paper is as follows...
5. To begin with a brief background on the...
Next Section
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